Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Countdown to Obamageddon: 6 days to go

I just watched Obama's half hour infomercial on tv. Check it out here:

Okay, so my brother tells me that this does not count as a speech, and he is right. I may have promised that I would post a speech everyday (I am too lazy to go back and check if I actually promised this, so I am just going to do it. Check out Barack Obama at the Virginia Jefferson Jackson Dinner, it is a half an hour, so a bit of a time commitment, but well worth it.

I am going too crazy today to really write anything coherent. 6 days, I don't know how I am going to make it 6 days. I am like a loose cannon that can burst at any moment, so I would tread carefully around me for the next 6 days.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Countdown to Obamageddon: 7 days to go

One week, how am I going to get through this week?! I am starting to go crazy, the polls are in our favor now, everything seems to be in our favor, so why can't the election just be today? Alas, no one asked me when I thought election today should be, so I am left waiting another week. I am feeling frustrated with the waiting, and so tonight was the perfect night to go back to the night where it all really started, the night where we were able to believe that this was all possible.

As Barack Obama says "sometimes there are nights like this." And January 3, 2008 will be a night I will always remember, and as of now it is probably the greatest political night I have ever known (though I am hoping that will change in one week). Barack Obama winning Iowa is crazy! There are like 3 white people there! White people don't vote for the black guy, he is too inexperienced, he doesn't connect to voters, he doesn't talk about details, and so on and so forth. But he did win, and with that one win millions of people began to believe in the possibility of hope, and that maybe this time we didn't have to settle. One of the most striking things about watching his Iowa victory now is how much Barack Obama has grown as a candidate. So many of the complaints that were made against him are simply not valid anymore. He has become someone who can role up his sleeves and get to the specifics and connect to voters on a very real level. It has been an impressive transformation to watch. So watch and enjoy, and think back to this cold January night.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Countdown to Obamageddon: 8 days to go

Today was a long and frustrating day, so I am going to keep this fairly short. It is so bizarre to watch this primary speech of Obama's (from New Hampshire). I almost forget sometimes what an amazing orator he is because he has had to hide a lot of that during the general election in favor of being specific and practical. I have no doubt that he can't wait for the chance to once again lift us all up with his words, I know I can't wait.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Countdown to Obamageddon: 9 days to go

So, I was talking to my dad on the phone yesterday, and he was wondering why I hadn't posted on my blog in so long, the idea that people have actually been checking my blog, and wanting me to post, well that strokes my ego, and so I decided I must give the people what they want. My dad suggested I blog about the election, which makes sense since I don't really think or talk about much else these days (and if you are talking to me about something else, know that I would rather be discussing the election).

I've enjoyed politics for a long time now, it is like watching sports for me, it provides entertainment, but also heart break - and as we all know, I like a healthy dose of competition. As much as pundits and the news media annoy me, I can't get enough of watching them, well at least right now...

My complete dorkiness has been coming out more recently. With only nine days to go until the election I find myself quite restless. I have been waiting and working for so long for this day to finally come, and yet I cannot quite bring myself to believe that what I want to happen might actually happen. That isn't the way things I invest in usually work out. To pass some of the down time I decided it would be fun to countdown by watching one Obama speech a day, as a way to help release some of my nervous energy. I enlisted my brother to participate in this excerise as well, since there are only so many times you can discuss how you are more qualified to be vice president than Sarah Palin or how John Mccain has run a negative campaign. See we all want to talk about how awesome Barack Obama is, and how he has run this brillant campaign, but that might be jinxing something, so by watching these videos we can discuss this in the past tense, while letting the future play out as it will.

So, today we were going to watch Obama's speech from 2002 opposing the Iraq war, but the video footage from that has been lost. Which I must say is bizarre, to be reminded of a time where things like that happened, and that wasn't long ago. I mean if you want to see any moment of the 2008 presidential campaign it is right there on youtube, but a moment from only six years ago is lost forever. We watched Obama's 2004 convention speech instead. I have seen this speech so many times and it just never gets old, and always gives me chills. I encourage everyone to watch along with us, and appreciate the possibility of what our country could be if this man gets to be president.