Thursday, February 28, 2008

Where's Mr. Presbo when you need him?!

Yes, it has been awhile since I posted. I bet you all were beginning to think it might be another 3 1/2 years, I was beginning to think that as well, but I am still here. I have had a busy/tiring week, and so haven't been much in the mood to write.

Actually, the real reason I have not written is that I have been spending my time worrying about Dukie from the Wire, and being happy for Bubs (Reginald!), and so have not had time to write on this blog. I can assure you that if Becky or Erin had written a heartfelt post about Dukie then I would have found the time and energy to write, and probably would have awarded them 100 points or something crazy like that. Since I know only 1 of my 7 readers watches the Wire, I will explain that Dukie is a character, a kid on the show. We met him last year during the shows absolutely brillant 4th season that focused on the Baltimore school system (it may not sound riveting, but it is). We learn that Dukie is a really smart kid, with lots of potential. However, Dukie comes from a family of drug addicts who steal from him. Anyway, it was starting to look like maybe Dukie would be okay. And I mean okay in relative terms, since his source of income was his best friend who was becoming successful in the drug world. Now, I am hoping you are all going to watch the Wire someday, so I am not going to say much more, but I will say this, I am extremely concerned about the fate of Dukie. I have been concerned all season about Dukie, realizing how distraught it will make me if he does not come out of this okay, but also realizing that he probably won't (and that probably makes more sense in terms of the themes of the show). The 2 week build up to the finale is driving me crazy. I need to know he is going to be okay. And yes, I will be seeking therapy because I do realize it is ridiculous to spend this much time discussing a fiction character, but you don't understand, you need to watch, and then you will. I realize this blog is supposed to be commenting on Becky and Erin's blogs, but frankly, I was way more interested in discussing this today (everyday?). If only Dukie had a blog, then it would work out much better.

Erin's fun fact: She is going to Boston next weekend.

Becky's fun fact: She is going home to Connecticut this weekend.

Debbie's fun fact: She is having a beer pong tournament with her cousin's this weekend.

Dukie's fun fact: He is really good at math and computers.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Don't call me creepy (call me awesome)!

Check out Becky's post from yesterday:
Becky's sick, being sick is not fun, as basically everyone knows. Becky is really stating the obvious with her list, but since she is sick, we will cut her some slack. Now, I have certainly said on this blog that I don't mind a little shameless pandering to earn points, but I don't really enjoy begging, especially when there are so many nice things to be said about me (there is a lot to say). Number 1 rule, I'd avoid calling me creepy while also begging. So the lesson of today, less begging and more saying nice things about me for a bonus point. Feel better Becky (and you will get some sympathy points)!

Erin's fun fact: She owns lots of tights, and sometimes likes to lists the ones she owns.

Becky's fun fact: She sometimes brings cookies and candy in for everyone at work, this is appreciated.

Debbie's fun fact: One of my proudest moments is picking Adrien Brody for best actor at the Oscars, no one saw it coming, but I did! (Side note: I used to be really into movies, and amazing at Oscar predictions. One year in high school I got all but 2 right, including the ridiculous categories. Slowly, as I've gotten older, I've stopped seeing movies, and stopped being as good at these predictions, not that I am bad, just not as good. My brother even beat me in our annual pool last year, and I'm not having high hopes for this year).

Friday, February 22, 2008

Here's a story about a girl named Kate

Check out Erin's post about Kate
Check out Becky's post about Kate

This is our first instance where Erin & Becky each wrote about the same thing, I like this idea, it is helpful to our competition because we can do a real comparison. Erin starts off at a bit of a disadvantage having only met Kate once, where as Becky has met her more than that. What I get out of both these posts is that Kate Palley is great - she seems to have a great sense of humor, her email to write about her gave me a really great laugh during a particularly crazy day. She also seems really fun to drink with (happy hour anyone?). I love Becky's lists about why she likes people, they usually have way more to do with her than the other person, but it is her blog, so I suppose this is okay. Becky and her sister seem to have a great relationship, so that is nice, it is a great thing to have a close relationship with a sibling (isn't it Jason!?). I like Erin's post on Kate because it has a picture of the rabbi from the Simpsons episode where Krusty gets Bar Mitzvahed. I enjoy this episode (Kate, I bet you do too)! I like episodes of TV that play on Jewish traditions. It makes me feel special, like I get a joke that 98% of the population doesn't, but since the 2 % that I am a part of controls the media (and money) we get special jokes all the time!

Okay, so my Dad has begun reading my blog (hi dad! leave a comments!). His response to this blog was lukewarm, to put it nicely. He wants me to write more about myself and less about Erin and Becky (I kind of already thought the blog was mostly about me), but for my Dad, I will start including a fun fact about myself as well.

Erin's fun fact: She once sang the latke song, and danced while we walked to the subway, this made me laugh.

Becky's fun fact: She draws pictures on post-its (or once she made me a chick out of post-its). This gives me something to hang my desk. She also drew me a ghetto flower.

Debbie's fun fact: I like doing tasting menus at good restaurants, the first time I did this was at a restaurant in Dublin (Jacob's Ladder, check it out), and I thought it was the coolest idea ever, I still do.

I think we are up to 7 known readers of this blog! Tell your friends, lets get it to 10!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

It won't be 3 1/2 more years...most likely

Its been a crazy couple of days, and I haven't had time to properly post. However I will be awarding a few points to both Erin and Becky, since I don't want there work to go unnoticed, as well as deducting a few points from myself for not posting (in the interest of fairness). Tomorrow I will comment on each of their blog posts about the hysterical Kate Palley (who sent a very funny email that you can check out on Erin's blog).

Sleep well, and see you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I've made a huge mistake

Apparently my subjects didn't take my threat about commenting seriously (which is understandable because if you've met me you would know that I am not particularly scary of threatening), but needless to say I am very discouraged that they commented on one post, but then assumed all was forgiven. This situation is being monitored, and we shall see if they take the time to rectify it.

Erin's fun fact: She lives 5 blocks away from me, this is fantastic.
Becky's fun fact: She lives a little over a mile away from me, not as fantastic.

Check out Becky's post from today:
Today Becky posted about the things she likes about Erin, and while not as great a post as the one about me, I like Erin too, so I approve of this. Now, I find it fascinating what Becky looks for in friends, shoes are obviously important, as is taste in television shows, and a sense of humor. I don't really care so much about the shoes a person has, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to have a nice collection, especially if they are my size (let me know, I am a 7 1/2 or 8). Now, taste in television is definitely important because I love tv, and I like to talk about tv (I even took classes in college about tv, communications baby!), so I am with Becky, part of the reason I like her is because she likes Arrested Development, I remember her telling this to me and thinking to myself, okay, I could probably be friends with this girl (and now we are). Speaking of tv, I really wished more of my friends liked the Wire (or any, except my brother). This show is amazingly brilliant and more people should watch it, not only will it make me like/respect you more, but you will love it, for real.

I'll be back later if Erin decides to post today...

Monday, February 18, 2008

She did not do that!

Check out Becky's post from today:
Becky goes with a theme post today about President's. There is usually one portion of Becky's post that makes me forget all the others, today it was her making me look at a picture of our current president right after I finished eating (3 points are being deducted for this). Excuse me while I go vomit....okay, I'm back now. I must say that in Becky's true totally ridiculous fashion (which I love by the way) she mentions that she likes how president's wear red and blue ties, and that she likes these colors because they remind her of specific things she like - may I say, this section made me laugh, because most of the things Becky mentions come in a variety of colors, for instance flowers, yes there are red flowers, which is the category she put them in (never mind that there are also blue flowers), but flowers can be yellow, green, purple, white and pretty much any other color (other things she mentioned that come in a myriad of colors, Gatorade and Popsicles). Anyway, at the moment I can't really say anything else about this post because I am still irritated I had to look at that picture. I am going to go look at a picture of Barack Obama to get the bad taste out of my mouth.

Due to the holiday I am taking the day off from fun facts.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

It is all about me, as it should be!

I'm interrupting our usual programming to tell you to click here for hilarity (hat tip to Jason for finding the fun)!

Welcome back, I hope you are finding that as amusing as I am.

Becky and Erin have eached earned themselves a bonus point (so I guess it sort of cancels each other out) for posting comments, they have proven how well they respond to my threats, but we shall see if it was a one time thing, or if they really learned their lesson.

Check out Becky's post from today
This may be (definitely is) a shameless attempt by Becky to garner points, but I don't really care, I LOVE it! I mean come on, blogs like this are totally self indulgent, I mean we all sit here writing about things that while they may be amusing are really pretty meaningless. Just wait though, just wait until someone devotes a blog post to things that make them like you/make you great. I mean, it isn't like I didn't know all of this before (I don't really lack in the self esteem department), but to have it out on the internet for all to see, I mean the internet, I love the internet, that is just fantastic. Now, I shouldn't get caught up in all this self congratulatory stuff, believe me, I see through what Becky is doing, but should I not encourage it? Who doesn't like people sucking up to them? I mean that is one of the points of wanting power, and don't most people want some form of power? They get to hold it over people, and make people do things for them. Now, I know Becky may not have written this about me if I didn't create this ridiculous blog and be the keeper of an even more ridiculous arbitrary points system, but isn't that part of the reason I created this blog? Maybe, maybe it really was that I was procrastinating from work, or maybe it was a little of both. I don't really seek power most of the time, but it is nice to have a little, even if it is of the most ridiculous variety possible (I think I actual prefer this kind of power). Now, let me just say, if I thought Becky was just making a bunch of crap up about why she likes me to get points I would deduct points, but Becky comes from a sincere place, and that should be rewarded (see: Obama, Barack). So, please take note, I like when people write nice/funny things about me.

One correction from Becky's post, I mostly watch MSNBC, not CNN.


Check out Erin's post from today:
I related to this post, because I myself have a useless (possibly useful for some things) brain filled with every episode from the west wing and sports night (I'll happily do a reenactment for you) and countless other tv shows and Beatles trivia and other random crap. I too usually have a good memory for birthdays and names and faces. I will say I found myself a little concerned for Erin's sanity with this one, I think she is one more forgotten birthday from jumping off the cliff. Do we think her blog is being read by a couple of people she doesn't know (unlike this one that is read by 3 people, all of whom I know, and know each other) and that person left this random comment? Or maybe it is an evil friend who just knew how to push Erin's buttons (okay, so you probably think it is me now, but I didn't know about this particular button before the post, bonus point for Erin for teaching me something knew about herself). We all like a good mystery, this post will keep me coming back to her blog (as will the fact that my blog is all about reacting to her blog), I like Erin NEED to know who this person is.

Side note: I am appalled by the lack of comments on my blog, I realize only 3 people read this, but the blog is about 2 of them, you'd think they'd maybe have an opinion, points will be deducted, you are on notice.

Erin's fun fact: She doesn't wear matching socks, like ever.
Becky's fun fact: She had an internship that she likes to talk about.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The rise of BERIN

Check out Becky's post from today:
This was an enjoyable one to read on a Saturday morning, kudos Becky! First off, I do feel like she places blame on lots of things, I mean if you don't want to be blogging, no one is holding a gun to your head. And also, why can't you blog in a more comfortable position, for instance I am happily curled up on the couch right now, it is wonderful, the position you were in sounded horrifying. Becky also mentions the time honored tradition of the weekend morning lay in. I love this, everyone loves this, even Paul McCartney (there is a classic scene in the Beatles anthology where he talks about the joy of listening to new music on the radio on weekend mornings; fun fact about me, I LOVE the Beatles, and own the Beatles anthology on both vhs and dvd). I mean how much better would going to work be if we all had a little time on weekday mornings to lay in bed until we were ready to get out, ready to take on the day (I really love my bed). This is the first appearance of a picture on Becky's blog, I like pictures (have you heard they are worth a thousand words, that is quite a bargain). I don't think using pictures is copying Erin because Erin is hardly the first person to use pictures on her blog, or maybe she is come to think of it...Anyway, Becky gets a bonus point for having a pretty picture because I feel like handing out a bonus point. And I can't believe I've gotten this far without mentioning my favorite part of this post, the part that raises it up and puts it on another level, BERIN, you finally got your nickname, done! awesome!

Special Sabbath addition of fun facts:

Erin's fun fact: She doesn't eat regular bacon (only turkey bacon, crazy girl).

Becky's fun fact: Like me, she would totally eat some shrimp wrapped bacon with cheese melted on top

Friday, February 15, 2008

Deducting points from myself

Check out Erin's post from today:
I really liked my idea for this blog, it really amuses me, but the problem is I now feel this immense pressure. I mean I blogged yesterday when only Becky posted, so in the interest of fairness I feel I need to blog today with Erin being the only one who posted. I know they both crave my commentary and approval (and I am pretty sure with my brother out of commission with the flu, they are probably the only 2 reading this, hi!). Anyway, Erin throws out a list today, and as I have previously stated, I am a huge fan of lists. While Erin should have gone to class, I am touched that her parents are so supportive of her, as long as she is honest and witty. I am trying to imagine what I would do if I had kids, and they weren't witty. I mean how boring would they be?! Would I hate them?! Okay, getting a little off track, I like the fact that in this post we learn a bit about the history of Erin - separate from her blog, I learned today while she was showing me through her year book that she was in a lot of clubs, and her high school had really random clubs (my high school was a blue ribbon school of excellence, which is why I can be so judgmental). I am really starting to bore myself with this post, I think I am going to take a point away from myself. Note to self: stop blogging when you are really tired.

So, I forgot to write fun facts yesterday, and I know my many loyal readers really look forward to this (i.e. Erin mentioned it to me in passing), I will do my best to not forget this again, I guess I should probably deduct another point from myself (I am not doing well here, meaning since I apparently decided to include myself in the points system).

Erin's Fun Fact: She owns really cool movies, like Teen Witch (but sadly not Just one of the Guys or Newsies).

Becky's Fun Fact: She prefers the white side of the black (shouldn't it be brown?) and white cookie. This either makes her racist or the perfect person to share said cookie with.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Becky takes the lead!

Check out Becky's post from today:
I am ridiculously tired today, I can't even really explain the exhaustion level. I wasn't going to write because I felt that whatever I said would be incoherent, but then I realized this would not be fair to Becky, and Becky brought candy for everyone at the office today, that is nice, and sometimes niceness should be rewarded (though not always). So, while I am too tired to even remember what I just read of Becky's post today, I do remember the delicious chocolate, and the fact that she was apparently hit by a car once on Valentine's Day, so I am mean this has to involve at least a couple of pity points. Erin did not post today, so for the first time in this long (2 day) experiment, Becky has the lead.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Slush Puddles and Babies

Check out Becky's post from today:
First off, Becky gets a bonus point for posting so quickly after I called her and Erin out for not posting at a time that is convenient for me, as well as feeling the pressure after Erin posted (and received some bonus points). I see that Becky is responding to a little healthy competition, and this pleases me. Now, Becky continues with what has become her signature list format, and as I said yesterday, I enjoy a good list. This one doesn't really give us much to argue about because no one really likes slush puddles (though someone in Erin's position with really cool boots doesn't really care if they are around) or post offices (the lines are almost always long, slow, etc.). I preferred Becky's list yesterday, it overwhelmed me with rage about her Seinfeld comment, and excited me with a hot button issue like Iraq. I say more of that, and less of slush puddles. Though I must say that major props are given for ranting about a crying baby, not enough people talk about babies being annoying (yes I think that many of them are cute, but still annoying).

For the record, I like humor about controversial subjects (so does my brother who is one of the 3 readers of this blog), things like babies and nazis make for good comic fodder, keep that in mind. And if you want to entertain Jason (who is sick, so a good joke may help him feel better) make a good wife beating joke, nothing he enjoys more.

Bonus Points!

Check out Erin's post from today:
Here we have a classic Erin post, complaining about work and spending an entire paragraph gushing over boots she bought a few months ago. I have to admit, they are pretty awesome boots, and I could've used a pair on my way to work today. Erin's post is relatable to all of us (much like Seinfeld) as most of us when we get up in the morning don't want to go to work, even if we don't hate our jobs or anything, the idea of laying in bed awhile longer is almost always an appealing one. Additionally, I like the use of the word dallied, in fact, I think it should be used more. Erin will receive 1 bonus point for the use (but I will then deduct 1/2 of that for her commenting on how she thinks it is awkward).

Additional points system note: Erin will receive a bonus point for putting her post up first (I withhold the right to not always give a bonus point for this).

Problem Discovered

We are only on day 2 of my retooled blog, and already I have found a problem. Since the purpose of this blog is to comment on Erin and Becky's blogs, it means I am beholden to them on when I write. For instance, I have chosen this moment to procrastinate my work, except they are choosing other moments (or other methods of procrastination), and therefore I am left with nothing. So I will post our fun facts of the day now, and I suppose go do some work, fine!

Erin's Fun Fact: We work in the same department, the Israel Advocacy & Education Department

Becky's Fun Fact: She doesn't really have a department, but she pretends she is in one called the Executive Department

Cumulative Scoreboard*:
Erin: 8
Becky: 7 1/2

*They are each being deducted a point for not writing when it is most convenient for me.
*Going forward the scoreboard will be located on the side bar.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fun Facts

I bet you were all thinking I would never write again, but now here I am with 2 posts in a day, making it more like an actual blog.

So, instead of boring you with bios of our dear Erin and Becky, I will provide you with a "fun" fact about each of them with every post.

Erin's Fun Fact: She loves ice cream (specifically Haagen Daaz pomegranate chip)
Becky's Fun Fact: She likes to wear headbands

Check out Erin's post from today :
I think it tells us a great deal about Erin, she has a pretty big ego, and wants everyone to know who she is. Now, since she says that this is one of her dreams, I think it makes me a great person because it shows that this blog isn't being written like so many others for selfish reasons, it is being written to make dreams come true. I like Erin's post because it makes me feel good that I am doing something for my friend.

Check out Becky's post from today:
Wow! I am a bit overwhelmed with thoughts on this one, but then I read the part about Seinfeld, and now that is all I can focus on. Seinfeld is awesome, there really isn't anything to understand. You see, it is a tv show, so the fact that you wouldn't necessarily want to be friends with these people in real life (I would, read in to it what you will) is okay, you can still laugh at all the crazy, but semi-relatable situations they get themselves into. I mean who among us hasn't poisoned our fiance with cheap wedding invitations, seriously Becky! Moving along, I do like what Becky is doing with her blog, all these lists, lists are fun, lists give us things to talk about and argue about, which I enjoy. I like that she went out on a limb and got a little controversial with her Iraq talk.

I've decided for the time being I will have an arbitrary point system that only I will understand, but as we move further along, perhaps you will see the pattern, and be able to determine what I mean.

Erin: 9
Becky: 8 1/2

State of the Blog Address

I figured I'd give blogging another try, I mean lets see if this time I can get to 3 posts before taking a 3 1/2 year break. The thing is, I feel like there are blogs out there for everything. Certainly for the things that interest me most there are more than enough to go around, politics, tv, the mets, food, you name it there is a blog about it; and I probably read it. Therefore I don't always see the point in me writing a blog, I mean what else can I say. On average I would say 85% of my conversations in a given day are me talking about something I read on a blog or reacting to something I read on a blog. This is not to say that I don't have original thoughts, I do, though usually someone else had them as well and put them in a blog, so I don't want to be redundant.

Tangent:A personal blog like this one is supposed to be like a journal, and much like this blog, I have tried to keep journals my entire life, and have a stack of them that mostly contain blank pages because I give up trying after a time. I am a person that took a journal with me on a 3 week trip to London, Amsterdam and Belgium, proceeded to not write in it once, but then came home and did a mega recap of it after the fact. This thought process doesn't make much sense to me, so i doubt it will make sense to anyone reading this (that'd be you Jason, since I know you diligently check this site once a week to see if I have gotten the urge to write, this diligence has finally been rewarded).

Anyway, with that out of the way (what that was I am not exactly sure), I will get to the new purpose of my blog, I don't believe there is another blog out there doing this, and so it seemed the only logical choice for me to make. My blog will now be about commenting on Erin and Becky's blogs (check back later to find out who Erin & Becky are). We will judge them, we will love them, we will disagree with them (and maybe even agree sometimes). Is there a point to this exercise, not really, though maybe the fact that there is a blog whose sole purpose is to comment on their blogs will change the way they write their own blogs, or maybe no one will care (likely outcome), and we will move on to blogging about things that everyone else is blogging about (Why to vote for Barack Obama, why Johan Santana is amazing, why everyone should watch the Wire, etc.). So, start placing your over/under bets on how many entries I will crank out.

To get yourself acquainted with our subjects check out:

I will be back with a little info on who Erin and Becky are, and then the fun will begin.