Thursday, February 14, 2008

Becky takes the lead!

Check out Becky's post from today:
I am ridiculously tired today, I can't even really explain the exhaustion level. I wasn't going to write because I felt that whatever I said would be incoherent, but then I realized this would not be fair to Becky, and Becky brought candy for everyone at the office today, that is nice, and sometimes niceness should be rewarded (though not always). So, while I am too tired to even remember what I just read of Becky's post today, I do remember the delicious chocolate, and the fact that she was apparently hit by a car once on Valentine's Day, so I am mean this has to involve at least a couple of pity points. Erin did not post today, so for the first time in this long (2 day) experiment, Becky has the lead.

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