Tuesday, February 12, 2008

State of the Blog Address

I figured I'd give blogging another try, I mean lets see if this time I can get to 3 posts before taking a 3 1/2 year break. The thing is, I feel like there are blogs out there for everything. Certainly for the things that interest me most there are more than enough to go around, politics, tv, the mets, food, you name it there is a blog about it; and I probably read it. Therefore I don't always see the point in me writing a blog, I mean what else can I say. On average I would say 85% of my conversations in a given day are me talking about something I read on a blog or reacting to something I read on a blog. This is not to say that I don't have original thoughts, I do, though usually someone else had them as well and put them in a blog, so I don't want to be redundant.

Tangent:A personal blog like this one is supposed to be like a journal, and much like this blog, I have tried to keep journals my entire life, and have a stack of them that mostly contain blank pages because I give up trying after a time. I am a person that took a journal with me on a 3 week trip to London, Amsterdam and Belgium, proceeded to not write in it once, but then came home and did a mega recap of it after the fact. This thought process doesn't make much sense to me, so i doubt it will make sense to anyone reading this (that'd be you Jason, since I know you diligently check this site once a week to see if I have gotten the urge to write, this diligence has finally been rewarded).

Anyway, with that out of the way (what that was I am not exactly sure), I will get to the new purpose of my blog, I don't believe there is another blog out there doing this, and so it seemed the only logical choice for me to make. My blog will now be about commenting on Erin and Becky's blogs (check back later to find out who Erin & Becky are). We will judge them, we will love them, we will disagree with them (and maybe even agree sometimes). Is there a point to this exercise, not really, though maybe the fact that there is a blog whose sole purpose is to comment on their blogs will change the way they write their own blogs, or maybe no one will care (likely outcome), and we will move on to blogging about things that everyone else is blogging about (Why to vote for Barack Obama, why Johan Santana is amazing, why everyone should watch the Wire, etc.). So, start placing your over/under bets on how many entries I will crank out.

To get yourself acquainted with our subjects check out:
Erin: http://erinelan.blogspot.com
Becky: http://beckysaysthat.blogspot.com

I will be back with a little info on who Erin and Becky are, and then the fun will begin.


Erin Elan said...

um...i don't think those are beatle's lyrics....

Deb said...

very good, they aren't (but it would be cool if the beatles somehow knew about blogs)!

Anonymous said...

wow, 192 weeks of checking this blog without an update and finally my prayers are answered. Though you do know they say when the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers, so I got my eye on you.

Anonymous said...

Also a blog commenting on erin and becky's blogs was I my idea, yet i was given no credit. Perhaps instead of blogging about why people should watch the wire, you can do a Scott Templeton homage instead. You are already well on your way.

Deb said...

I knew someone put the idea in my head the other night, but I couldn't remember who. I figured that person would step forward, credit is yours as I know you crave it.