Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fun Facts

I bet you were all thinking I would never write again, but now here I am with 2 posts in a day, making it more like an actual blog.

So, instead of boring you with bios of our dear Erin and Becky, I will provide you with a "fun" fact about each of them with every post.

Erin's Fun Fact: She loves ice cream (specifically Haagen Daaz pomegranate chip)
Becky's Fun Fact: She likes to wear headbands

Check out Erin's post from today :
I think it tells us a great deal about Erin, she has a pretty big ego, and wants everyone to know who she is. Now, since she says that this is one of her dreams, I think it makes me a great person because it shows that this blog isn't being written like so many others for selfish reasons, it is being written to make dreams come true. I like Erin's post because it makes me feel good that I am doing something for my friend.

Check out Becky's post from today:
Wow! I am a bit overwhelmed with thoughts on this one, but then I read the part about Seinfeld, and now that is all I can focus on. Seinfeld is awesome, there really isn't anything to understand. You see, it is a tv show, so the fact that you wouldn't necessarily want to be friends with these people in real life (I would, read in to it what you will) is okay, you can still laugh at all the crazy, but semi-relatable situations they get themselves into. I mean who among us hasn't poisoned our fiance with cheap wedding invitations, seriously Becky! Moving along, I do like what Becky is doing with her blog, all these lists, lists are fun, lists give us things to talk about and argue about, which I enjoy. I like that she went out on a limb and got a little controversial with her Iraq talk.

I've decided for the time being I will have an arbitrary point system that only I will understand, but as we move further along, perhaps you will see the pattern, and be able to determine what I mean.

Erin: 9
Becky: 8 1/2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your blog is rigged!