I'm interrupting our usual programming to tell you to click here for hilarity (hat tip to Jason for finding the fun)!
Welcome back, I hope you are finding that as amusing as I am.
Becky and Erin have eached earned themselves a bonus point (so I guess it sort of cancels each other out) for posting comments, they have proven how well they respond to my threats, but we shall see if it was a one time thing, or if they really learned their lesson.
Check out Becky's post from today:
This may be (definitely is) a shameless attempt by Becky to garner points, but I don't really care, I LOVE it! I mean come on, blogs like this are totally self indulgent, I mean we all sit here writing about things that while they may be amusing are really pretty meaningless. Just wait though, just wait until someone devotes a blog post to things that make them like you/make you great. I mean, it isn't like I didn't know all of this before (I don't really lack in the self esteem department), but to have it out on the internet for all to see, I mean the internet, I love the internet, that is just fantastic. Now, I shouldn't get caught up in all this self congratulatory stuff, believe me, I see through what Becky is doing, but should I not encourage it? Who doesn't like people sucking up to them? I mean that is one of the points of wanting power, and don't most people want some form of power? They get to hold it over people, and make people do things for them. Now, I know Becky may not have written this about me if I didn't create this ridiculous blog and be the keeper of an even more ridiculous arbitrary points system, but isn't that part of the reason I created this blog? Maybe, maybe it really was that I was procrastinating from work, or maybe it was a little of both. I don't really seek power most of the time, but it is nice to have a little, even if it is of the most ridiculous variety possible (I think I actual prefer this kind of power). Now, let me just say, if I thought Becky was just making a bunch of crap up about why she likes me to get points I would deduct points, but Becky comes from a sincere place, and that should be rewarded (see: Obama, Barack). So, please take note, I like when people write nice/funny things about me.
One correction from Becky's post, I mostly watch MSNBC, not CNN.
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