so, i told the debster that i would blog for her, in her stead, even, whilst she's gallivanting around israel. slacker.
i don't have so many blog ideas of late, but in honor of jason, who checks at least weekly (in vain) to see if debbie has actually blogged, i'm going with....
do you know what really grinds my gears?
do you know what really grinds my gears? when someone, due to their own incompetence misses out on something, and then they proceed to ask you a million questions and make it your responsibility to fix it. Like it's your fault they're in the pickle to begin with. that really grinds my gears.

do you know what else really grinds my gears? when someone dressed up as a pot smoking polar bear punches little kids in the nose. don't get me wrong, a lot of kids deserve a good nose punching, but let's be honest. polar bears don't need any more bad press. their habitat is going out of style like...i don't know, i'm not very stylish. that's not the point! the point is, if you're going to smoke illegal substances and punch children, don't pretend to be a polar bear. be a koala. mad props for mustering up the energy for punching people while high. every commercial i've seen of late involving marijuana makes it look like you'll never move again. so, yeah, that really grinds my gears.

do you know what else really grinds my gears? having to pee, but being too lazy to get up. i'm going to work on that right now, actually.

you know what really grinds my gears? Checking this blog all the time with nothing to show for it. Thanks for bringing this painful 4 months nightmare of no itsalltoomuch blog posts to end. I can breathe again!
Polar bears are so adorable. Yup, that is all I got out of this post.
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