Friday, July 04, 2008

I'm Back! Part 2

Anyone out there? Anyone? Yeah, I didn't think so. I mean I might just be the most unreliable blogger out there. Basically, I don't really know why I haven't been blogging lately, possible reasons:

1. Dukie - I thought I pretty much dealt with that situation, but then I was actually in Baltimore last weekend, so that brought up a lot of old feelings.

2. Procrastination - my tried and true excuse, except I would be lying if I said this was the reason - I mean I think to actually procrastinate you have to have at least some intention of doing something, and to be honest, in the past three months I really have had no intention of blogging, ever.

3. Better things to do - I mean this is true, in the past 3 months I've become old, traveled to Israel, went to a conference, went to Baltimore, and done a number of other things, I mean, geez, I am rewatching every season of the Wire, this requires my full attention.

4. Reading blogs - sue me, many times I would rather read a blog than write a blog. As I've previously mentioned, most of my thoughts and ideas come from other blogs, so this is important to my being able to hold conversations with people.

I'm kind of boring myself right now. But I am really determined to post today. I just guest blogged for Erin at her blog, and now I am posting on my blog, I mean 2 blog posts in like a half hour is pretty impressive, not too many people do that (except most actual bloggers).

I really am going to try and post more, so do check back, and feel free to give me suggestions of what to write about because frankly, I clearly need some help.

1 comment:

Who says that? said...

welcome back debbie!