Check out Erin's post from today:
I related to this post, because I myself have a useless (possibly useful for some things) brain filled with every episode from the west wing and sports night (I'll happily do a reenactment for you) and countless other tv shows and Beatles trivia and other random crap. I too usually have a good memory for birthdays and names and faces. I will say I found myself a little concerned for Erin's sanity with this one, I think she is one more forgotten birthday from jumping off the cliff. Do we think her blog is being read by a couple of people she doesn't know (unlike this one that is read by 3 people, all of whom I know, and know each other) and that person left this random comment? Or maybe it is an evil friend who just knew how to push Erin's buttons (okay, so you probably think it is me now, but I didn't know about this particular button before the post, bonus point for Erin for teaching me something knew about herself). We all like a good mystery, this post will keep me coming back to her blog (as will the fact that my blog is all about reacting to her blog), I like Erin NEED to know who this person is.
Side note: I am appalled by the lack of comments on my blog, I realize only 3 people read this, but the blog is about 2 of them, you'd think they'd maybe have an opinion, points will be deducted, you are on notice.
Erin's fun fact: She doesn't wear matching socks, like ever.
Becky's fun fact: She had an internship that she likes to talk about.
FINE! i'll write on your blog, but just to tell you that i match my socks. just not to each other....
yeah, she puts socks with socks. not socks with gloves or socks with underwear
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